The server MUST perform de-duplication of activities returned by the Inbox.
Depending on access control, some other content may be public, whereas other content may require authentication for non-owner users, if they can access the inbox at all.
The server MUST perform de-duplication of activities returned by the inbox.
Duplication can occur if an activity is addressed both to an actor's followers, and a specific actor who also follows the recipient actor, and the server has failed to de-duplicate the recipients list. Such deduplication MUST be performed by comparing the id of the activities and dropping any activities already seen.
{ "id": "urn:uuid:2a0323ec-2500-4bc3-b116-11e641035d2f", "type": "Behavior", "uuid": "2a0323ec-2500-4bc3-b116-11e641035d2f", "content": "The server MUST perform de-duplication of activities returned by the Inbox.", "origin": { "source": "https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/", "section": { "id": "https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#inbox", "branch": [ 5, 2 ] }, "selector": { "type": "TextQuoteSelector", "exact": "The server MUST perform de-duplication of activities returned by the inbox.\n", "prefix": "Depending on access control, some other content may be public, whereas other content may require authentication for non-owner users, if they can access the inbox at all.\n", "suffix": "Duplication can occur if an activity is addressed both to an actor's followers, and a specific actor who also follows the recipient actor, and the server has failed to de-duplicate the recipients list. Such deduplication MUST be performed by comparing the id of the activities and dropping any activities already seen.\n" } }, "@context": [ "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", "https://socialweb.coop/ns/testing/context.json" ] }