An ActivityPub Test

Background ?

ActivityPub § 5.3 Followers Collection:

Every actor SHOULD have a followers collection. This is a list of everyone who has sent a Follow activity for the actor, added as a side effect. This is where one would find a list of all the actors that are following the actor. The followers collection MUST be either an OrderedCollection or a Collection

About This Test

This is a Test Case describing a rule to determine whether an ActivityPub Object is in partial conformance with the following behaviors required by ActivityPub.


The identifier of this test is urn:uuid:018c3e08-611f-7e56-9f45-2fe5e4877d4e.

Test Subject

The subject of this test is an ActivityPub Actor Object.

Input ?

This test requires the following inputs indicating parts of the test subject:

  1. object - the object whose followers property will be tested

Applicability ?

This test applies to each of the followers collections derived from the values of the property on object named followers.


How to Derive Test Targets from Input

Expectations ?

For every target target

Assumptions ?

Test Cases ?

What follows are some specific cases of applything this test.

Passed Example 1 - followers has type Collection


test targets

Passed Example 2 - followers has type OrderedCollection


test targets

Passed Example 3 - followers type includes OrderedCollection


test targets

Failed Example 1 - followers is a number


test targets

Failed Example 2 - followers is an empty object


test targets


test targets

Inapplicable Example 1



Inapplicable Example 2 - object has no followers property



Glossary ?


An outcome is a conclusion that comes from evaluating a test on a test subject. An outcome can be one of the three following types:

Requirements Mapping ?

Issues ?

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